2,5 Day technology implementation training

Accelerate the implementation of an ultrasound program by learning the basics of setting a route, hardware and software features.

This course is ideally suited for maintenance groups who want to jump-start their ultrasound inspection program.

Using hands-on experience both in the classroom and the plant, users will learn how to setup routes using the software and how to set their Ultraprobe instruments for effective inspections. You will learn how to:

  • Practice the operation of the Ultraprobe
  • Use Ultratrend DMS software
  • Set up groups of points to test
  • Upload points into the Ultraprobe
  • Establish baseline readings on a “Pilot” group (Approx. 50 – 200 test points based on access and configuration)
  • Download and organize the pilot group in DMS
  • Record and store sound files in the pilot group
  • Practice correct data acquisition techniques
  • Use Spectralyzer software
  • View and import sound files
  • Create a database, take baseline and subsequent readings, download information into DMS, and generate a report

These type of trainings are realized on-site.

Contact us for more information and possibilities